Repositioning AKI at the Forefront of R&D: Targeting Complex Pathophysiology, Overcoming Heterogeneity & Enhancing Return on Investment

Time: 11:00 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


The heterogeneity across phenotypic subtypes has made AKI significantly difficult to study, therefore making progress of new specific treatments and disease management rather stagnant in recent years. From balancing the need for AKI resolution while minimizing long-term kidney damage, to addressing AKI subtypes with medical interventions that target specific underlying causes, tackle key questions with industry peers to spearhead investment in the AKI landscape:

  • How can resolution of AKI be achieved in a way that minimizes scarring in the kidney that leads to CKD?
  • How can we advance knowledge of heterogeneity across pre-renal, intrinsic renal and post-renal AKI to develop more specific treatments?
  • What must be done to place a greater focus on the underlying causes of AKI rather than targeting the kidney directly?
  • Given the great unmet need, what will it take to grow investment into AKI research to strive for a solution?
