Anil Karihaloo

Company: Novo Nordisk
Job title: Senior Principal Research Scientist
Panel Discussion: Translating Understanding to Implementation: What is the Path to the Nephrologists Office? Assessing the Implementation of Precision Medicine 4:45 pm
Discuss the systemic barriers that impede the integration of precision medicine approaches into CKD treatment guidelines Focus on how patient-reported outcomes, alongside molecular data, can guide the development of more individualized and effective treatments Highlight how collaboration between academia, industry, and regulatory bodies can accelerate the translation of precision medicine approaches from bench to bedsideRead more
day: Day One PM
Translating OMICS & Real-World Evidence into Meaningful Insights for Target Discovery & Clinical Trial Design 8:00 am
The integration of OMICS data and real-world evidence is transforming drug development. With the increasing volume of CKD data generated through OMICS technologies and real-world evidence studies, there is a critical need to translate this information into actionable insights. This workshop will explore how to leverage OMICS findings to enhance our understanding of disease mechanisms…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Workshop A