Denis Feliers
Company: Pfizer
Job title: Research Fellow
Panel Discussion: Addressing the Unmet Medical Needs in CKD: Defining the Residual Risks & Pathways Forward 8:30 am
Examine the key challenges in identifying CKD patients who continue to face unmet medical needs despite advances in therapy Explore how biomarkers and clinical data can highlight patients with residual risk, who remain at risk for disease progression. What is needed to establish standardized criteria for identifying these high-risk patients? Which pathways and modes of…Read more
day: Day Two AM
Introducing Cardiac Kidney Metabolic Syndrome (CKM) – Pathophysiology & Impact on Drug Discovery 2:30 pm
Discuss the underlying metabolic disturbances that characterize CKM, including mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, and the dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism, explore how these processes drive CKD progression and impact kidney function Explore the added complexity of target ID and validation in CKM Investigate metabolic pathways in the pathogenesis of CKM, and how these pathways can…Read more
day: Day One Track 1 PM