Dominik Steubl

Dominik Steubl

Company: Boehringer Ingelheim

Job title: Senior Clinical Program Lead


Making Pediatric Trials a Feasible Reality: Extrapolating Data from Adult CKD Studies to Fulfil Considerable Unmet Needs in Pediatric Populations 3:00 pm

With significant prevalence of CKD in children, it is vital for drug developers to address this unmet medical need by conducting studies to gain regulatory approval in pediatric populations. Collaborate with regulators, pediatric nephrologists and industry sponsors to deliberate how to streamline feasibility of CKD trials in children, and discuss key considerations: How do drug…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day

Panel Discussion | Replicating Precision-Based Approaches in Large-Scale Clinical Practice: What Will it Take to Get There? 4:00 pm

What must be done to bridge the gap between individual genetic tests or biomarker panels, to large scale clinical trials with thousands of CKD patients? How can we more efficiently identify which targets are more relevant for various populations of CKD? What will it take to bring forward a companion diagnostic biomarker into the clinic…Read more

day: Conference Day 1

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