Hiddo Heerspink
Company: University of Gronigan
Job title: Professor
Validating the Relevance of Proteinuria & eGFR Decline in Diverse CKD Populations to be Optimized as Regulatory Accepted Endpoints 8:00 am
Over the past year alone, tremendous efforts have been made to advance research on proteinuria and GFR slope, pushing the boundaries beyond their current scope and expanding into other populations to draw the link more tightly to long term endpoints. Engage in learning, collaboration, and discussions with nephrologists at the forefront of this research to:…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day
Panel Discussion | Replicating Precision-Based Approaches in Large-Scale Clinical Practice: What Will it Take to Get There? 4:00 pm
What must be done to bridge the gap between individual genetic tests or biomarker panels, to large scale clinical trials with thousands of CKD patients? How can we more efficiently identify which targets are more relevant for various populations of CKD? What will it take to bring forward a companion diagnostic biomarker into the clinic…Read more
day: Conference Day 1
Unveiling the Prospects of Precision Medicine in Future Kidney Disease Trials 5:00 pm
Reviewing progress in the development of predictive biomarkers of response to SGLT2s and ERAs to guide personalized treatment approaches for individual patients Highlighting case studies of recent success to match specific CKD therapies to individual patients Translating into clinical utility: how to deploy the tools developed primarily from cohort studies in a broader clinical trial…Read more
day: Conference Day 1