Jerome Rossert

Jerome Rossert

Company: AstraZeneca

Job title: Vice President, Head of Clinical Renal, Late CVRM


Roundtable Discussion | Designing GFR Decline Studies & Considering the Potential of Home Measurements 2:40 pm

More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas: Challenges and mitigations of acute effects when designing GFR slope studies Suitable trial length and frequency of kidney function measurements Incorporating home based assessments of eGFR to enhance measurement frequency Moderator Feedback & Audience Debate Moderators…Read more

day: Day 1 Track 3 PM

Validating the Relevance of Proteinuria & eGFR Decline in Diverse CKD Populations to be Optimized as Regulatory Accepted Endpoints 8:00 am

Over the past year alone, tremendous efforts have been made to advance research on proteinuria and GFR slope, pushing the boundaries beyond their current scope and expanding into other populations to draw the link more tightly to long term endpoints. Engage in learning, collaboration, and discussions with nephrologists at the forefront of this research to:…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day

Chair’s Opening Remarks 8:25 am

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day: Conference Day 2

Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Conference 4:00 pm

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day: Conference Day 2

Panel Discussion | From Slowing Progression to Halting Entirely: Debating the “What’s Next” for Diabetic, Hypertensive & Rare Kidney Diseases 3:30 pm

From SGLT2s and ERAs, to GLP1s and anti-APRIL: where is the field heading next? Evaluating the most exciting opportunities for new treatment options Shifting the focus towards more pivotal therapies specific to underlying kidney pathophysiology, with an end goal of stopping, rather than slowing, CKD progressionRead more

day: Conference Day 2

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